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Recovery Programs

Recovery Programs

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

Personal Coaching

Personal Coaching

Corporate Health and Wellness Programs

Personal Training

Small Group Training

Massage Therapy

Mediation/Breathwork Therapy

Peer Support

Life Coaching

Nutritional Counseling


Companies that offer their employee’s a Wellness program, find their insurance expenses lowered, employee’s use less sick time, company moral improves, and employee efficiency increases which improves the company’s financial bottom line.

Recovery Fitness offers many services that make up a great Wellness Program including personalized exercise plans, nutrition consulting, massage, meditation services, Peer Support Specialist, and Counselors.

Fitness Sessions

Fitness sessions utilize many modalities of exercise such as strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, stretching and more… The 4 week / 12 session program includes nutritional consultation as well. (Highly recommended)

This a great way for you to donate to help someone in recovery and get a great service in return. Use this for you or give it away to a loved one. 100% of all proceeds from donations go directly towards cost of sponsoring someone in recovery.


1 Session Fitness Training $40.00
3 Sessions /1wk Fitness Training $100.00
6 Sessions /2wks Fitness Training $175.00
12 Sessions /4wks Fitness Training $300.00

Speaking Engagements

Recovery Fitness is always happy to extend our message of hope and recovery through our lived experiences. Please click the contact button below to request additional information.

Let’s work on your goals together!