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Recovery Programs

No matter what challenges you may face, we are here to assist you with your own self-determined recovery goals. We can help link our clients with community support groups, 12-step meetings, detox/residential treatment centers, sober living, peer recovery supporters, and individual or group counseling. Our goal is to make sure anyone seeking a new way to live is not only provided the tools necessary, we also wholeheartedly strive to provide a helping hand when it comes to finding the recovery pathway that best suits the needs of those we serve.

Personal Training

Recovery Fitness Warriors meet regularly as a group, not to compare themselves to one another, they meet to encourage each other to become their vision of the best version of themselves. Our certified personal trainers lead the way for growth by respectfully challenging participants to push through their mental limits safely and effectively. You will sweat, you will be sore, you will persevere, and you will succeed!

Specialized Coaching

If any new or existing members of Recovery Fitness feel that they would like individualized sessions, they are in the right place! Any one of our professional, highly trained, and knowledgeable coaches will be happy to provide a one-on-one consultation, develop a fitness plan, and help provide the support necessary to achieve their goals through personal training sessions.

A Holistic Approach

We believe that the lens in which we examine personal recovery and wellness, must be from a whole-person point-of-view. If this virtue is not at the forefront of the fitness program, then it would be like going into the fight of your life with one hand tied behind your back, or to your leg, or both arms tied to both legs, this may sound far-fetched, but you get the point, right? We who have recovered from many different challenges whether it be drugs and alcohol, mental health, body dysmorphia, negative self-image, unhealthy lifestyle choices, or anything else for that matter, have done so by focusing on the four pillars of fitness: mind, body, emotion, and spirit.

Success Stories
Who We Are

Recovery Fitness is a program designed especially for those in recovery. Together, we can enhance recovery with a total holistic approach of mind, body, spirit.

Recovery Fitness about the next steps in recovery. Relapse prevention! It does not matter what you are recovering from. Drugs, alcohol, abusive relationships, eating disorders, addictions of any kind. We are here to help navigate the trouble waters of establishing a healthy you, your best version of you.

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For Inspiration

Join us for discussion on topics that range from, mental health, emotional health, exercise, nutrition, spiritual life, and much more as it applies to recovery and relapse prevention.

Our Blog

Recovery Fitness Apparel

All fitness apparel is designed to give hope and inspiration. Cool designs and comfortable items that can be worn anywhere. Proceeds from sales go to helping people in recovery get the basic needs covered while in treatment, on their way to treatments and help get them set up after treatment to give them a fighting chance.

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What Our Clients Say

My Why. First and foremost I must get and stay the healthiest I can be for my son Max. Also I want this for me. I want to feel good about myself, inside and out, and become more comfortable and confident with ``me``. I have never liked the way I look and I need to learn how to do that.- Stephanie Miller
I just want to say thank you for inspiring me to reignite my passion for fitness. You asked me once, ``What's your why?`` I wasn't hasty to respond because I wanted to give you my heart's purest answer. Those who know me are aware that I work with others in the helping profession and I strive to provide services the way I would want a loved one in my own family to be provided for. I have realized, along with many others in my field of practice, it can be extremely easy to overlook our own wellness. I have learned that the first client I have to provide care for is myself, for I cannot be anything for them if I am not of sound mind, body, emotion, and spirit. I lost sight of that vital factor until I was welcomed into Recovery Fitness with open arms, without judgement. So to answer your question, ``What's my why?`` because I am worth it and so is anyone who wants to join us and learn the most important lesson, YOU ARE WORTH IT! I am proud to be your partner in Recovery Fitness, and look forward to the many journeys I have the honor of sharing with you Shawn Humphrey! You are truly the brother I never new I had, I love you!- Brandon B
Benefits of Exercise

Recent studies have found that committing to a weekly exercise routine resulted in decreased substance use and even complete abstinence for some participants. How exactly does exercise lead to substance abstinence?

Here are eight ways that regular exercise helps sobriety:

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Relapse Prevention Through Fitness

Many people may think that the term “relapse” means that someone has picked up a drink or a drug, laid in bed depressed for a week, went back into an abusive environment, had a manic episode, ate foods that were harmful to them, or began self-harm patterns after a period of abstinence. These behaviors, however, are the end result of a relapse. We provide relapse prevention through fitness by providing this education to the amazing individuals we serve along with anyone willing to help stop this stigma. A relapse is the actions, attitudes, and behaviors leading up to the first reoccurrence of the harmful event, use, or pattern. The four pillars we focus on in the Recovery Fitness family are designed to address, improve, and monitor for relapse. In other words, someone relapses long before the unwanted action takes place. These are facts!

Accountability For Longevity

Accountability is key for long-term recovery. We cannot stress this enough which is why the family atmosphere, and the group component of our programming is vital. Without true support and community there is little chance for success. True recovery support comes from those outside of the individual’s home or day-to-day life. Remember, the loved ones of someone in recovery have gone through a lot as a direct result of the crisis period. We provide a safety net by being there as recovery supports that are “outside of the circle.” When someone becomes a member of Recovery Fitness they are now inside the diamond, and we are strong together! As our founder likes to say, “Brothers and sisters in iron. Iron sharpens iron!”

Start your road to recovery

We are passionate about your success!

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